SOAP Macros

Utilizing SOAP Macros is an incredible way to add speed and efficiency to your SOAP notes.  In this article we will show you how to create custom SOAP Macros as well as pin them (each user can have their own macros pinned and arranged in any order they like).  In addition, we will show you how to create a Treatment Note Template using SOAP Macros. 

To get started we encourage you to watch this video.

SOAP Macros Training Video

To get started with SOAP Macros access the Settings section from the left menu.  Then select Custom Macros.  You will see four sub-menus which are:

- Build Macro

- Macros List 

- Nested

- Pinned

Build Macro

To build a macro select either Basic Macro or Advanced Macro.  We will show you both.  

Basic Macro - This is a macro that on one click will paste a "blob of text" into your SOAP note.  Examples could be patient is feeling better after treatment or patient is tolerating adjustments.  The intent is one click to produce a blob of text that represents the name of that macro.

Advanced Macro - This is a macro that has one or more dialogs with a question and choices.  These are beneficial when you want to document a lot of content and follow your documentation down a guided path.  

Basic Macro

After selecting Basic Macro click Next.  Then provide a Macro Name (e.g. Tolerating Treatment).  

Next choose which section your Macro will belong to (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan or Evaluation).  

Next you will see a blank box with buttons below it.  The buttons will populate the real content (e.g. patient's name, gender, etc.) when the macro is used.  

In the example below I have typed out {Name} is feeling better after treatment today.  

Advanced Macro

Select the Advanced Macro option to start building an Advanced Macro.  Provide a name and then continue.  

Next choose which section your Macro will belong to (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan or Evaluation).  

You will then see this screen.  At first it might seem overwhelming but let's break this down into sections. 


The Customization section allows you the ability to create the question and response.  Similar to the Basic Macros you will see buttons below the response text box.  These allow you to use things like patient name or gender in the response text so it is personalized for that patient.  

In the example below I have added a question and response text.  What's important to understand here is that the * symbol is where your answer will go (see below on what answers are).  You can either manually type the * from your keyboard or select the green Answer button.  

{Name} is feeling * today.  


Here you will see choices:

- Answer with list - When this is selected your choices will be from the list you create below in the Add Option section.  In the image below my list is good, great and bad.  

- Answer with numpad - This option should be selected if you want the answer to be a number.  As an example the macro might say something like Cervical Range of Motion and you want the response to be a number.  If that is the case use the "Answer With Numpad" option. 

If you chose the "Answer With List" option you will need to then determine if you want the ability to select one or multiple items from that list.  As an example, if you are asking how your patient is feeling today you probably only want the ability to select one of those options.  If you were to ask "Where do you feel pain" you might want to use the multiple selections option.

In the image above you can see I have added three items to my list (options).  To add these simply type a word and press ENTER on your keyboard.  The word will then appear below.  You can delete by clicking the red trash icon and arrange your list using the grab bars on the left.  


In the Dialogs section you can see each of your dialogs.  In the image below we have only created one.  To add another dialog click the "Add new dialog" option.  Then edit the Customization and Answers content for that dialog.  You can always edit a dialog's content by clicking the pencil icon.  You can also arrange dialogs up/down by using the grabber bars on the left.  

Once you have completed your Macro click "Finish".  

Macro List

This section allows you to see all of your created macros.  Use the tabs at the top to change sections (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan and Evaluation).  To use the pencil icon to edit any macro.  Use the green copy button to duplicate any macro.  

Nested Macros

Nesting Macros essentially means creating folders and putting them into those folders.  Within a folder you can move the macros (or sub-folders) up or down to arrange them how you like. 

Here you will see four basic sections 

1. The menu options at the top allow you to select Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan and Evaluation.  In the example below I have chosen Objective. 

2. The left list box displays all of your untested macros (macros that have not been put into any folder).  

3. The center list box will display the folder you selected.  You can select or create folders in the right list box.  In the example below I have clicked on the "Active Range of Motion" folder (clicked on it from the right list box).  Once clicked, you will see the folder name at the top of the center list box.  

4. Now that the folder you want to move macros into is selected you can drag them from the left list box (unnested macros) and into the center list box (the folder you want to drop them into).  

You may add any new folder by clicking the green + icon to the right of the Nested Macros title (right list box).  You may add a sub-folder by clicking the green + icon on any given folder.  

I named my Sub Folder "My Test Sub Folder".  It will now appear both in the right list box (as a sub folder) and inside of the center list box (if you still have the parent folder selected).  We show folders using a yellow color with a folder icon.  You can arrange the order of your macros and folders using the grabber bars (up/down) in the center list box.  

If you want to remove a macro from your center list simply click the red X button.  To delete a folder or sub folder click the red trash icon (from the right list box).  

Pinned Macros

Pinning Macros simply means adding them to YOUR CUSTOM GRID.  Each provider can have their own pinned macros and specific arrangement of them.  This is great as different provider types (e.g. DC or MT) will want to utilize different macros for their documentation.  

This section uses the same tabs at the top (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan and Evaluation).  To pin a macro simply drag it from the Unpinned Macros list box (list box on the left) onto the Pinned Macros list box (list box on the right).  Then use the grabber bars to arrange your macros up/down.  To remove a pinned macro click the red X icon. 

You will see a dropdown box for USER.  Here you can select any user and pin their macros.  Use the Copy From User option to copy a user's pinned macros as your own.  

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