Users and Rooms - Setup Providers and Scheduler Rooms

On the Main Menu select Clinic Settings/Users & Rooms. You must have Administrator credentials to add a new user or room. The person who signed up your clinic automatically has Administrator credentials

You will see two tabs at the top of the screen. One for users and the other for rooms. Of note, these rooms are not the same rooms that you can create for the Front Desk. These are rooms for your scheduler. Many practices want to schedule patients to a room and not a provider.

Creating Users

On the Users tab, click the action button (blue round button at the bottom right of the screen). Then select "New User".

The first thing you will setup is the Access Type. Choose one or more from the dropdown.

Each access type has specific areas of the software the user can and cannot access. The below chart will show which features can be accessed (of note we are updating this chart to include Clinician and Intern soon).

The Access Type determines which menus and parts of the platform that user has access to. An Administrator has complete access, A Billing contact has access to all the financial data and claims information. A Provider has access to all treatment areas and limited financial information. A Support contact has limited financial and reporting access.

Once you have selected the Access Type you can also determine the user's roll. The roll is for internal purposes only and does not control the user's access within the software.

Next fill in the information for that user. An NPI number of 9999999999 is automatically added for every user. If the user is also a healthcare provider input their actual NPI number. If you want this user or room to be seen on the Scheduler set those settings on. If you are using the ChiroSpring instant online scheduling technology on your website, select the one user as the online appts. provider. Set the contacts User ID and Password. Save your selections.

Providers - Signature & Sign Treatment Notes

Providers have the option of typing their name and enabaling their signature credentials. This digital signature will be added to their treatment notes when they are signed.

Providers - Follow the steps here to ensure you have the ability to sign treatment notes.

Contact Types:

Administrator has full use of the system, no restrictions

Provider does not have access to claim information or financial reports, can sign, edit & delete notes

Billing has access to claim information, pending claim folder, can not make changes to notes

Support is the lowest level

1. Click on Clinic Settings

2. Click on Users & Rooms (previously providers & support)

You must have Administrator credentials to add a new user or room. The person who signed up your clinic automatically has Administrator credentials.

3. Click on blue button

Click on blue button

4. Click on person or room

Click on person or room

5. Choose contact type

Each contact type carries with it a level of credentials normally associated with that type of team member. The level of credentials determine which menus and parts of the platform that user has access to. An Administrator has complete access, A Billing contact has access to all the financial data and claims information. A Provider contact has access to all treatment areas and limited financial information. A Support contact has limited financial and reporting access.

Choose contact type

6. Fill in the information for the user

Note: The email that is entered here is what would be used if there is ever a need for a password reset 

Fill in the information for the user

7. Click on NPI

An NPI number of 9999999999 is automatically added for every user. If the user is also a healthcare provider input their actual NPI number.

Click on NPI

8. Toggle on desired features

If you want this user or room to be seen on the Scheduler set those settings on

If you are using the ChiroSpring instant online scheduling technology on your website, select the one user as the online appts. provider

Toggle on desired features

9. Order on scheduler

This is the order they will appear on the scheduler

Order on scheduler

10. Choose a User ID

Note: When logging in this is a case sensitive field 

Choose a User ID

11. Choose a password

The password is required and must be at least 6 characters long

Choose a password

12. Click on Save Provider

Click on Save Provider

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