How to check a patient in
There are 5 ways to check a patient in:
1. On the scheduler, a clinic team member, simply clicks on the blue dot next to the patient name. The dot changes to a red color indicating the patient has arrived:
2. On the scheduler, a clinic team member clicks into the colored area of the appointment (2a) which opens the appointment and selects one of the quick add icons at the bottom (arrive, no show, cancel and delete). Clicking on one of them instantly saves the status edit without having to select Save:
3. On the scheduler, a clinic team member clicks into the colored area of the appointment (2a) which opens the appointment and then modifies the Status (2b, 2c) and saves the modification (2d):
4. A patient who has downloaded the Patient App onto their smart phone, can open the app and will be prompted if they wish to check in and provide their chief complaint:
5. The clinic who uses the Smart ID system, distributes NFC cards to patients. The patient swipes the card at the front desk to check in.