Scheduler and Appointment Settings

Setting up your ChiroSpring scheduler makes it easy for your staff and patients to book appointments. Customize it with appointment categories, colors, by provider, rooms, and time blocks for more control of your availability!

From the left Menu, go to Settings > Clinic > Scheduler & Appts.

You can edit existing appointment categories or add new ones, choosing between two types of appointments: Provider or Patient.

Provider Appointments:

  1. In and out times
  2. Lunch
  3. Vacation

*You can add additional Provider Appointments by clicking "Add New".

With these Provider Appointments, you can individually customize the scheduler times per user on your schedule by booking the provider into one of the Provider Appointments to block off a particular time frame.

Example: If your office is open from 8 am to 5 pm on Monday, but one of your providers doesn't come in until 10 am on Monday's, you can use the "Provider In" Appointment at 10 AM and set it to repeat weekly on Monday's. Make sure to select the particular Provider this applies to! See below:

Patient Appointments:

These appointment types are for patient bookings. As an example, you may want to create an appointment category for "New Patient Exam" or "Adjustment".

To create a new appointment category, click "Add New" at the bottom of this Scheduler & Appts page.

Then, fill in the following sections:

  1. Name
  2. Color
  3. Description- you can simply copy and paste the appointment
  4. Type: (patient or provider) in this case, patient.
    1. Patient = appointment for a patient bookings
    2. Provider = blocking out time for the provider such as lunch, meeting, in/out times, etc.
  5. Default duration: length of the appointment in minutes
  6. Link Forms - This is optional. Determine which forms, if any, should be linked to the patient account when scheduled to this appointment category. As an example, you might assign the HIPAA and Contact forms for "New Patient Exam".
  7. Send Reminder - Toggle ON if you want appointment reminders sent when patients are booked to this appointment category
  8. Time Block - Determine if this appointment category will be used as a time block.
    1. Learn more about time blocks here
  9. In the "Advanced Tab"- "Show Online" - Toggle ON if you want patients to be able to book appointments for this appointment category Online!

  1. If you have GrowthHub Pro, you can enable "Enhanced Reminders" for particular appointment categories. This allows for customized messaging for appointment reminders when patients are booked to this appointment category.

The appearance of your Scheduler is also set here as well! At the bottom of your Scheduler & Appts screen, click "Edit scheduler settings".

And the following dialog box will appear:

  1. Day start time
  2. Day end time
  3. Time increments
  4. "Auto-Scroll"
  5. Patient name display

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