How to document treatment on exams

Providers have 4 different starting point options to quickly document today's treatment and exams for a patient:

  1. click on the patients name in the scheduler,

  2. hover over the patients icon in the scheduler widget and select dashboard,

  3. search and select the patients name, 

4. Select the EHR icon for the patient whose name appears in the upper right

All 4 methods brings the provider to Template list from which the provider selects the Template to properly document the services to this patient 

The provider will then be directed to the Template selected with today's date showing on the Template. If this Template was previously completed for this patient, the provider will see data points ditto from the most recent date of service for that Template. The provider then selects the data points that are true for today and saves the Template.

The provider will then be directed to complete the fee slip by selecting the claim procedure data points for services performed today.

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