Claim Colors - Tracking Claims Based on Status

What do the different claim status color dots mean?

The best way to track your claims is by using the Aging report (located in the Reports tab).  Claims are color-coded to help you take action on them.  If you mouse hover over the claim status colors you will see a basic description of what each color means. 

These colors will reflect in the Patient's Claim History and on the Patient's Billing Dashboard can get a breakdown of individual patient's Aging claims based on status

[*] Black: Zero Balance Claims

[*] Red: Claim submitted to insurance for the first time without a documented response.  This is important as often you will submit insurance claims only to find out the insurance NEVER RESPONDS.  Using the red claim status will allow you to identify these claims so you can quickly take action.  We recommend calling the insurance carrier after 30-45 days.  

PRO TIP: You can filter the AGING report by claim color, date range, payor to quickly work through and make follow up claim calls. When you click in the Claim Log History, you can leave a note that you called the payor and their response

[*] Purple: These are claims that have been resubmitted but still have no insurance response.  Think of these as one step further than red as in "we need to figure out why we are not getting paid on these claims".

[*] Green: These are claims that have patient balance owes amount on them.  These claims were sent to complete either without any insurance submission (cash claims will always be Green).  Or, the claim was processed by the insurance with patient responsibility. These claims could also have Denial Codes on them if multiple CPT's were adjudicated on same claim.

[*] Gold: These are denied claims.  Typically these are indicated as Contractural Obligation or Other Adjustment (often seen as provider liability to fix or write-off).  

NOTE: ChiroSpring writes off 4 CO denial codes for you: Automatic Write- Offs

[*] Blue: PI/WC claim,  that was sent to Complete without insurance submission or claim processed by insurance with balance that is "patient" liability (not coded with a CO or OA denial)

[*] Brown: These are claims currently located in the Pending Claim Folder. 
Visually, the claim status colors help the clinic user to identify immediately what the current status of the claim is. Furthermore, clicking on the claim number will give the user specific details regarding claim submission, payments, write-offs, and denials/rejections posted into the claim that triggered the color status code. 

[*] Pink: These are claims that have been rejected. You can also find your rejected claims under Billing/Claim Folder/Rejected.

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