Exporting Data from ChiroTouch

Exporting Data from ChiroTouch – Easy Steps

You are able to export most of your data using Excel or CSV files. You can also export things like Charts using an image file such as PDF or JPEG.

Exporting your Customers from ChiroTouch

Here is what we know for exporting your Customers from ChiroTouch, which you are able to import to create patient profiles in ChiroSpring.

Click on Billing/Statement Reports

Click on Data Export

On the left-hand side, select Patient Data as the export type

From the filter menu, select Patient First Name, and select Present as the criteria, then click Add

Repeat for Patient Last Name, Patient Phone Number, and Patient Birth Date. Select as many details as you can to ensure you’re retrieving all of your desired demographics

Click Save (this will save the custom filter for future use. Save this report filter on the computer. To access the saved filter in the future, click Load on the Data Export screen and select the filter file). This saving step only needs to be done the first time

Select Excel, and then click on Export

Open the file

Create the headers (by selecting the first row, then right-click, then Insert), and insert the appropriate headers (Patient First Name, Patient Last Name, DOB, Phone Number). There may be a couple of columns containing phone numbers. Choose the column with the cell phone numbers, and label this “Phone number” ChiroTouch also has a guide going over the export of the data. Click here to see that.

Exporting your Appointments from ChiroTouch

We have seen appointments exported from ChiroTouch with the “Future Schedule By Date” report. This can be found in the Reports Manager Folder Location: Patients_Appointments or in the Front Desk Folder Location: Office Reports. Here is a complete list of reports in ChiroTouch.

Insurers and Policies

We can import your insurers and insurance policies into ChiroSpring from ChiroTouch. You are able to export this file in CSV or Excel format, which you can then provide to us. There is a $750 one time fee for ChiroSpring to do your data import.

Exporting your ChiroTouch Chart Notes

Chart data is only able to be exported for individual patients and not in bulk. ChiroTouch may be able to perform this for you, but most likely at a cost. Reach out to them for further information should exporting individual patients be too cumbersome.

Charts from ChiroTouch can be exported by following these steps:

Choose your patient

Go to Dx and then hit the Print button on the right side of the screen

An options box will appear. Specify the way you would like your chart notes

Name - Use facility name and address

Print in chronological order

Include diagnosis

Print chart notes (you can choose specific dates, or All)

Hit OK. Choose to preview on screen

Hit the Export button and make sure the export type is PDF

Hit Browse for location

Name your file. Please read below for how to name your exported files.

Each patient’s chart notes will need to be exported in this manner. Next, put all your exported PDF files in a zip file, and then upload the single zip file to your import request in Jane. You only need to zip your files once.

Naming your Files

This is an important step and helps us during the import process accurately identify which patient the charts belong to. There are a couple of ways to name the file, but the following works best:


You can choose which identifier makes sense for you and is easiest. This can be a unique patient number for the patient that’s present on the patient list export as well, or date of birth formatted yyyymmdd.

Other Data

If you see other data that you’re able to export in Excel or CSV, do grab as much data as possible.

ChiroTouch Billing Data

We don’t import billing information such as Accounts Receivable or Credits as there are formatting issues between the two systems, but our understanding is that Clinicmaster allows for the export of your billing data to back up files prior to your license expiring, so you can retain access to this information after your Clinicmaster access has ended.

ChiroTouch Attachments Export

1. Open File Explorer and Navigate to the ChiroTouch Database directory. On most systems, this will be located in C:\Program Files (x86)\PSChiro\Database. Within this directory, you should find a directory called PatFiles, which is where all the file attachments are located.

2. Right click on the PatFiles directory and select “Send To > Compressed (zipped) folder”, which will combine all the files into one .zip file which is much easier to transfer. This process can take as long as 1 to 2 hours, depending on ho

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