ChiroSpring Pay Activation

If you have got a notice from ChiroSpring that you have been activated for ChiroSpring Pay, please read this article before taking any action. Just to be sure you have the latest ChiroSpring software updates, please clear your browser's cache (and please inform your other staff members to do the same on their devices/PCs), and then login again into the application.

Please continue reading the instructions below:

ChiroSpring Pay is fully integrated into ChiroSpring, this means all the actions regarding CC payments are happening exclusively within ChiroSpring. Adding a payment should be straight forward, just like the other payment types:

Click on the Add Payment button in the patient's menu (or other places in the app), which will load you the Add Payment pop-up to enter the information. The same concept is expanded all over the other places where you can add payments, such as Add Product page, Products History page, Claims History page etc.

Since the ChiroSpring Pay payment processing system is integrated in ChiroSpring, the payment will be done directly, with no additional browser tabs opened. The only thing to do is to select the desired payment method (credit card) for that patient, or if that patient does not have any, you'll need to add one first using the "Add payment method" button (image below):

If your clinic requested a terminal - when doing a Terminal CC Charge, simply check the "Pay through terminal" box and select the desired terminal and follow the further instructions. After pressing the "Save" button, you will need to complete the payment on the terminal and wait for the confirmation to appear on the ChiroSpring application. Make sure no window or pop-up is closed until the transaction is finished.

In order to avoid any issues or discrepancies, always make sure that every CC payment (either terminal or non-terminal) is initiated from within ChiroSpring application!

The payment methods (credit cards) can be managed using the "Payment Methods" under the patient menu:

If you want to add a virtual payment, you can check the "Virtual Payment" box when adding that payment method to a patient. In this case, the transaction will be executed, and the charge will be made, but the payment will be registered only after the ERA/EOB file gets posted into ChiroSpring. Image with details below:

Please note that every transaction can be reviewed in the Reports > ChiroSpring Pay > History page. In case of uncertainties, always make sure that the transactions correspond to the Payments History of a patient and let us know in case of something strange.

If something is not clear, please reach out to your account manager before doing any action, just to make sure you have all the information you need before proceeding.

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