Time Blocks on Scheduler- Control your schedule!

Adding blocks to your schedule helps you prevent overbooking, set your clinic hours & provider hours, too. We have even included a new logic to alert the clinic user when they are booking an appointment that conflicts with any existing appointment or time block.

You can set aside time for no appointments, or dedicated appointment categories like lunch breaks, new patient visits, etc. This can help you control when patients can book online and how many can fit in a particular block.

Appointment Category Time Blocks:

This is in your "Scheduler & Appt" settings when you "Edit" a particular category, you can make it to where it is only allowed in a specific time block.

*Then, start adding Time Blocks for that category to your scheduler.

To add a time block, click on an open time slot on your calendar. From there, select the right tab (see image below) that says "Time Block":

Next define the type, category as well as the duration. If you want something as simple as an office visit to exist for "all day", choose "all day".

Choose repeat if you want to repeat the time block.


  • Provider Reserved - this is used to block out time. For example, let's say you want to block out lunch every day from 12 pm to 1 pm. Or, perhaps you want to block out a meeting for a day. When blocked, patients will not be able to book appointments during this time using online scheduling.
  • Single Appointment Category - This is the option you will select when you want the time block to be used for appointment scheduling. For example, if you want new patients to schedule during 1-3 pm on Tuesdays, this is the option to use.

After your time block has been created you will see a notation for it on the far right of the scheduler. Clicking this will let you edit the time block at anytime.

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