Utilizing ChiroSpring 360 to Track Authorized Payor Visits

Chiropractic and physical therapy clinics often need a reliable system to efficiently track patient visits, ensuring optimal care and transparency. ChiroSpring 360, provides a simple and intuitive solution to streamline this process. In this article, we will explore how ChiroSpring 360 facilitates tracking patient visits while emphasizing the importance of keeping both practitioners and patients informed about their benefit usage.

Setup Visit Tracking

We simplify the process of tracking chiropractic and physical therapy visits, allowing practitioners to manage patient care seamlessly. Here's how:

By inputting the necessary details, such as the effective date, number of covered visits, or remaining benefits into the insurance verification portion of the patients' insured information.

Navigate to Insured Information from Treatment Dashboard or Patient Menu Dropdown

On this page, Select Add New icon next to Insurance Verification

Select "Chiropractic" & click "Proceed"

  1. Select Plan Year: Calendar or Fiscal - This is required to start tracking
  2. Enter Chiropractic max allowable visits per year #
  3. if any of those visits have been used enter that number into the field Number of chiro visits met at other clinics this year

Follow these steps for Physical Therapy

  1. Enter Therapy max allowable visits per year #
  2. if any of those visits have been used enter that number into the field Number of therapy visits met at other clinics this year
  3. Once completed - Scroll to the top & click the Save icon next to Insurance Verification

IMPORTANT NOTE: If the patient has an active membership, the membership takes precedence.

Where to view Visit Count in ChiroSpring 360

ChiroSpring 360 provides an intuitive system, that ensures that all patient visits are systematically recorded and easily accessible.

Treatment Dashboard: This view allows you to monitor the usage allowing you to discuss alternative payment options or adjust the treatment plan accordingly.

Front Desk View: Staff members can easily glance at the tracking by hovering over the patient appointment.

Appointment Report: Keeping patients informed about their visit count and benefit usage is crucial for maintaining transparency.

Treatment Dashboard

Front Desk Hover View

Appointment Report (Patient & Clinic Reports)

patient appointment report
clinic appointment report

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