Save & Sign Provider Treatment Notes

In a busy practice, completing your SOAP note in real-time may not always occur.  Complex patients need more documentation as do exams or PI visits.  This is why ChiroSpring provides a feature to sign off on a note, signifying it is complete.  This allows the doctor time to both start the note and see the patient, and remind them the note is not complete.  This feature will ensure your notes are 100% complete, something you’ll want, should you ever be audited.

Activate Save & Sign

1. Click "Settings"

Screenshot of: Click "Settings"

2. Click "Treatment Notes"

Screenshot of: Click "Treatment Notes"

3. Click "Notes Settings"

Screenshot of: Click "Notes Settings"

4. Click the "Require providers to save notes and sign notes as separate steps" field.

Screenshot of: Click the "Require providers to save notes and sign notes as separate steps" field.

5. Click "Save"

Screenshot of: Click "Save"

Authorize user to sign notes

1. Click "Users & Rooms"

Screenshot of: Click "Users & Rooms"

2. Locate & Select Provider

Screenshot of: Locate & Select Provider

3. Click to toggle on "Authorized to sign notes".

Screenshot of: Click to toggle on "Authorized to sign notes".

4. Click Action - Save User.

Screenshot of: Click Action - Save User.

Save Treatment Note

1. Select Treatment Note Template

Screenshot of: Select Treatment Note Template

2. Once completion of note template

Screenshot of: Once completion of note template

3. Complete Fee Slip

Screenshot of: Complete Fee Slip

4. "Save" Fee Slip

Screenshot of: "Save" Fee Slip

Save and Sign Treatment Note

1. Select Treatment Note Template

Screenshot of: Select Treatment Note Template

2. Once completion of note template

Screenshot of: Once completion of note template

3. Complete the Fee Slip

Screenshot of: Complete Fee Slip

4. Click Action.

Screenshot of: Click Action.

5. Select "Save and sign".

Screenshot of: Select

View & Track Unsigned notes

1. Click "Reports"

Screenshot of: Click

2. Click "Visit Compliance"

Screenshot of: Click

3. Select the Date Range

Screenshot of: Select Date Range

4. Click "Search"

Screenshot of: Click

5. Locate "UNSIGNED"

Screenshot of: Locate

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