Patient Mobile App - Family Access

You can "household" patient mobile app access to allow a parent/guardian to manage a dependent's patient app access easily.

You will first set up the parent/guardians' patient mobile access as normal

Open Patient File

Navigate to the Communicator or Treatment Dashboard

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click to give access under the Patient Mobile App card

When the email address used is the same email you input into the patient's record you want the parent/guardian to have access to, see images below, you will get a toggle request in the dependent patient mobile app card.

You can click the GREEN Yes. And then on the patient mobile app, the parent guardian will be able to login with their email and password and then see Toggle Access to their connected dependant files to do things like:

  • Request/Schedule Appointment
  • Complete Patient Forms
  • Reviews Records/Documents
  • Make Payments
  • Check-in for a Visit

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