GrowthHub - Lead Management

GrowthHub offers a comprehensive system to categorize leads based on their engagement and activity. In this article, we will explore the different types of leads in GrowthHub, focusing on prospects and patients, and define the various states they can be classified into.

Under GrowthHub you will see menus for your leads and prospects.

Prospects in GrowthHub

A prospect, in the context of GrowthHub, refers to a potential customer or client who has shown interest but has not yet had an "arrived" appointment. Prospects can be further categorized into two distinct groups based on their activity level: active and inactive.

Active Prospects

Active prospects are individuals who have recently engaged with the clinic or business. In GrowthHub, an active prospect is identified if the clinic has sent them either a text message or an email within the last 45 days. The purpose of these communications could range from promotional offers or general updates. By keeping the lines of communication open, clinics can nurture active prospects and increase the chances of converting them into patients.

Inactive Prospects

On the other hand, inactive prospects are individuals who have shown interest in the clinic but have not received any communication in the form of a text message or email for over 45 days. These prospects might have lost touch or become disengaged. It is essential for clinics to re-engage with inactive prospects to revive their interest and explore potential opportunities for conversion.

Patients in GrowthHub

Once a prospect has visited the clinic and had at least one appointment marked as "arrived," they transition from being a prospect to a patient. Similar to prospects, patients can also be classified into active and inactive categories based on their recent engagement.

Active Patients

Active patients are individuals who have visited the clinic and had at least one appointment marked as "arrived" within the last 45 days. These patients demonstrate ongoing interest and involvement with the clinic, making them valuable for nurturing relationships and fostering loyalty.

Inactive Patients

Inactive patients refer to individuals who have visited the clinic in the past, with at least one "arrived" appointment, but have not done so within the last 45 days. These patients may have received treatment or services previously but have not recently engaged with the clinic. Reaching out to inactive patients, whether through targeted marketing campaigns or personalized communications, can reignite their interest and encourage them to return to the clinic and bring them back into the active patient category.

Marketing to Leads & Prospects

GrowthHub/Marketing Templates/Email

GrowthHub/Marketing Templates/SMS

The first step to marketing to leads and prospects is to create email or SMS templates. Once those have been created navigate to the leads, prospects or patients sections of GrowthHub. From there, select your patients, click the action button and then send an email or SMS message.

Adding Leads

There are two ways to add leads into ChiroSpring.

  • Add a lead manually one-by one
  • Import a .CSV of leads

To add a single lead, go to GrowthHub/Add Lead/Single. Then fill out the information.

To import a list of leads, go to GrowthHub/Add Lead/Import.

  • First download the blank .CSV file
  • Add your patients to the .CSV
  • Then import the .CSV

Make sure you do not edit the headers in the .CSV.

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