Create custom procedures codes - custom services

Custom procedure codes (CPT codes)

There may be times when you want to create a custom procedure code. This can be done by going to billing/custom services.

Click the 'Create New Services' button. Then fill out the dialog.

You must choose a billing group. As an example, if you create a 98941 code, you would want to assign that to the Chiropractic Manipulative Treatment group. This way, the code can be used in PMR calculations.

As a reminder, assign the code to:

  • Chiropractic Manipulative Treatment - if you want it to be used to calculate chiropractic PMR
  • Therapeutic - if you want it to be used to calculate therapy PMR

Here is a sample code I created.

Add your codes to Fee Schedules

After you have created your code, make sure you add it to your fee schedules. If this step is not done you will not be able to use your code. To do this go to billing/fee schedules. Click the import button at the top and import your code.

Here we are importing a code that was created.

Finding Procedure Codes on Fee Slip

Clicking the toggle button for "Clinics service favorite list" will function to HIDE any procedure code from the existing checkbox list that isn't also priced in your clinic's Network Reimbursement page. To add in a code manually that doesn't exist in the fee slip check-box section, scroll to the bottom of the Procedures section and click the "Lookup Code" button next to Add Other Procedures. 

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