Advanced Ditto Configurations - Quickly populate treatment note & diagnosis

Video - see Advanced Ditto in action

Advanced Ditto Configurations

Have you ever wondered if there was a faster way to complete your treatment notes? What about frequent diagnoses or procedures? We've got you covered with our advanced ditto configurations.

How Do They Work?

With advanced ditto configurations you can pre-populate a treatment note templates. Imagine having a treatment note template with several fields of WNL. Now you can have those pre-selected. This means you would only need to edit fields that were not within normal limits.

This is just one of many examples on how advanced ditto configurations can save you time.

Often there are common diagnosis packages or procedure packages. With advanced ditto configurations you can populate your diagnosis and procedures with a single click.

How to Set Up Advanced Ditto Configurations

Go to settings/advanced ditto/new configuration

Add a name and select a treatment note.

When the treatment note opens, select the options you want pre-populated.

Click 'Save' using the action button when your note is complete with your pre-populated changes.

Next expand the Diagnosis and Procedures. Select which diagnosis and procedures you want as part of your advanced ditto configuration.

See my selections below.

How to Use Advanced Ditto Configurations

When in the treatment note you will see your advanced configurations (for that given treatment note) at the top.

As you can see, our note dittoed over from the previous note. If I select one of my configurations, it will append to the CURRENT note.

If that is not the desired outcome, you may clear the note as well as the diagnosis & procedures. To do this use one of the options from the action button.

  • Clear Note + Fee Slip
  • Clear Note

To use one of your advanced ditto configurations, select it. The changes will immediately populate into your treatment note and diagnosis/procedures.

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