User Earnings Tracking - How to pay your providers

User Earnings Tracking

Alright, it’s time to put the calculator away. How are you paying your providers currently? We’ve developed an amazing way to track user earnings and it’s super simple.

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First, here is the problem we were trying to solve. Some wanted us to track user earnings based on the rendering provider. However, there are many cases when a charge will be added to the provider’s claim that should belong as earnings for another provider (common with therapy codes). To resolve this, we allow users the ability to set the “earning provider” at the charge level.

The software will automatically default the earning provider as the rendering provider. So, if that is the logic that works for you, then you are good to go. If you want to override the earning provider, just edit the claim. Then edit a single charge and select who you want the earning provider to be in the dropdown.

Now for the fun part. Run our User Earnings report to see exactly how much any provider has earned.

Remember, for user earnings to be accurate, you must apply payment to the charge.

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