GrowthHub - Enhanced Reminders

Enhanced reminders are essential to improving patient show rate. Create a cadence of reminders (up to six per appointment) to ensure your patients are not forgetting their appointment. Enhanced reminders also give you the ability to create reminders based on visit category. As an example, when a patient schedules their appointment for "New Patient", you might want the reminder to say something like this.

Hello, Patient_Name! This is a reminder that you have your new patient appointment with Provider_Name on Appointment_DateTime. Please remember to bring your insurance card and arrive 15 minutes before your appointment.

Reminders Cadence - Up to Six Reminders per Visit

Settings/Workflow Rules

First enable appointment reminders by clicking 'On'. Then determine the mode of reminder (SMS or Email).

Now it is time to set your reminder's cadence. As an example, you might want the reminder to go out 2 days before the appointment (see below).

By clicking the "Add additional reminder" option, you can add a total of six reminders (see below).

Reminder's Message

Settings/Workflow Rules

Next create your reminder message and determine if you want multiple per day (this means multiple reminders when the patient is booked multiple times for that same day). We recommend leaving that off.

Use the replacement values (from the dropdown menu). Then click "Insert" to add them to your message above. This will add things like the patient name, provider name or appointment date and time.

Booking Confirmations

Settings/Workflow Rules

If you want patients to receive a booking confirmation when you shedule their appointment make sure to enable appointment confirmations. Then create your message. See below.

Reminders by Appointment Category

Settings/Scheduler & Appts

If you want a reminder to read differently based on the patient's appointment category (e.g. New Patient) you can do this as well. Click the edit (pencil icon) for any Appointment Category, then enable the custom reminder text and customize.

Reminders - Customize by Patient

Some patients may have specific preferences as to when they want to be reminded, or, may want reminders disabled entirely. This can be done under Patient Preferences. To get here, search for your patient at the top of ChiroSpring. Then click on their profile icon (right of screen). From the menu that appears, scroll down until you see Patient Preferences.

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