GrowthHub - Patient Reviews
Patient Reviews are essential to the growth of your practice. Patients go online to find their provider and reading reviews is commonplace for patients in choosing where they want to go. With ChiroSpring's GrowthHub, sending 5-star review requests has never been easier. With ChiroSpring SEO (part of GrowthHub Pro or purchase seperately), all reviews (no matter the source) are funneled into a single inbox giving you visibility and the ability to respond in once place. ChiroSpring SEO also adds automation to improve your Google ranking.
Review Links & Message
First you will need to setup your review links. ChiroSpring supports Google, Facebook and Yelp. Then create your customized review message using the placeholders to insert the patient name and review links.
5-star Review Request Automation
Next, determine if you want review requests to be automated by enabling this (part of GrowthHub Pro only). Then set the frequency for the review requests. This can be done based on visit number with repeat, or when the last review request was greater than a certain number of days.
When enabled, ChiroSpring will use this logic to automatically check the "Request 5-star review" option at checkout. *Note: you must use the payment checkout from front desk screen to trigger the automation.
Once the checkout is complete, your patient will receive the SMS review request. Of course, you can uncheck or check this box (at the cash register) at anytime manually if you prefer. The automation only makes it easier to know when it should be appropriate to request a review. Too many requests can frustrate your patient.
5-star Review Request - Manual Process
Users of GrowthHub Basic (not Pro) still have access to sending 5-star review requests. Review requests can be sent by checking the box at the cash register as well as two additional areas. These features also work for GrowthHub Pro users.
- Daily Visit Widget Options
The Date signifies the last time we sent a Request for Review to this patient
- In the Patient Communications Dashboard
ChiroSpring SEO
ChiroSpring SEO is mentioned in this article as it is an important component for managing your reviews. ChiroSpring SEO can be purchased stand alone, but also comes free with GrowthHub Pro. Sure, you can go to your review sources one-by-one to see who has left you a review and then respond to them. ChiroSpring SEO, built direclty into ChiroSpring, funnels ALL REVIEWS INTO A SINGLE INBOX! This is incredible! From there you can not only read the reviews, but respond to them with your response posted directly to that channel. Never again will you need to log into Facebook or Google seperatly.
In addition, ChiroSpring SEO also publishes your business profile DAILY to 150+ websites. This improves your Google Ranking. The process is entirely automated.