GrowthHub - Broadcast Messenger

Have you ever needed to send out a bulk message to your patients? Perhaps there is bad weather and you need to close your practice. Or, maybe you want to introduce a new provider that was just added to your practice. The possibilities are endless for this type of feature. Broadcast Messaging is part of GrowthHub Pro.

Using Broadcast Messenger

GrowthHub/Broadcast Messenger

Using Broadcast messenger is easy. Just go to GrowthHub/Broadcast Messenger. Use the filters at the top to create your patient list. From there, select your patients, then click the action button and determine if you want to send Email or SMS.

If you have already created a custom template, you may select it here. Then click 'Send'.

Marketing Templates

GrowthHub/Marketing Templates/Email

GrowthHub/Marketing Templates/SMS

Creating customized email or SMS templates is a huge time saver. We recommend using the clone feature once you have created your first template. Create templates for things like sending patient invoices, patient recall or general marketing to name a few.

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