GrowthHub - Birthday Messages

Staying connected with your patients is essential in today's practice. Whether it be responding to a text message, or someting more poersonal like wishing them a happy birthday. With GrowthHub Pro, sending birthday messages is possible and it's fully automated.

Enable Birthday Messages

Settings/Workflow Rules

The first step to sending birthday messages for your patient is turning on this feature. This is done under Settings/Workflow Rules. Here you will see the option to enable, and customize, your birthday messages.

Once enabled, the birday message will be sent to your patient automatcially on their birthday.

Birthday Messages - Customize by Patient

For those patients that are very special to you, you may want to add a personal touch to their birthday message. This can be done under Patient Preferences. To get here, search for your patient at the top of ChiroSpring. Then click on their profile icon (right of screen). From the menu that appears, scroll down until you see Patient Preferences.

In addition, you also have the option under patient preferences to disable birthday messages for that particular patient.

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