Patient Recall - Automated

Patient recall is an important component to a healthy practice. With Patient recall you keep your patients coming in which helps your bottom line.

Just how valuable is patient recall? Imagine this scenario. If you recall a single patient per month, with the average visit value being $45, and, an average recalled patient comes in 6 visits, that MORE THAN pays for GrowthHub Pro in it's entirety! Pretty cool! Trust us, you will do far better than one per month. ;)

Patient Recall is awesome. But, automating this process is EVEN MORE AWESOME. This frees up your time and lets the software do the work for you.

So how does it work?

Patient recall is part of GrowthHub Pro.

Watch Video - Automated Patient Recall

Setting up Automated Patient Recall

Go to Settings/Workflow Rules. On the GrowthHub tab scroll to the bottom and enable the automated patient recall.

Next indicate the number of days the patient was last seen (e.g. 30). Then choose the SMS text using the dropdown. You may create your SMS messages in GrowthHub/Marketing Templates/SMS.

Automated recall supports a cadence of up to 7 messages. To add additional notifications, click the "Add additional notification" option. Once you have created 7 you cannot create any additional.

Create SMS Recall Messages

We recommend creating a series of SMS messages with slight variances. Here are some general examples below.

R1 We have been thinking about you and wanted to check in and say hello.

R2 We hope you have been doing well. We have been missing you.

R3 A special hello for you &PatientFirstName& from your friends at Spinal Care Chiropractic.

R4 We would love to hear from you &PatientFirstName&. Reply back to keep in touch. How have you been doing?

R5 &PatientFirstName&, it's been a few months since we last saw you. Reply back if you would like to get booked for an appointment.

R6 Time flies. We hope you have been doing well as it's been a few months since we last saw you. Reply to this message if you want to book an appointment.

Patient Recall - Not Automated

Watch Video - Patient Recall - Not Automated

Go to GrowthHub/Patient Recall. Use the filters at the top. We recommend filtering for patients who have not been seen in 90 days with no future appointments. Then click the action button and send your message.

Note there are two tabs

  • Recall Patients - these are patients you want to recall
  • Excluded Patients - these are patients you do not want to recall

Move patients to the excluded tab by selecting them. Then choose how long you want the system to exclude them.

Add tags and notes making it easy to see which patients want to be recalled. As an example, you might add a tag called SNOW BIRD to a patient. With this, you would know to move them to excluded unless it was not winter.

Use the filters to search by tags.

Once you have your list of patients you want to recall using the filters, and not having patients that should be excluded, click the "select all" box. Then use the action button to send an Email or SMS.

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