GrowthHub - Virtual Assistant

ChiroSpring provides the best patient engagement tools in the industry. You are likely already taking advantage of our built-in 2-way texting. However, what if a patient messages you outside of business hours?

We handle this situation using our automated Virtual Assistant. ChiroSpring's Virtual Assistant will send an automated response to your patient with your custom messaging letting them know when you will be back in office.

Additionally, the Virtual Assistant will block the online scheduler, preventing patients from booking appointments outside of specified working hours.

Setting up Your Virtual Assistant

To set up your virtual assistant, go to Settings/Workflow Rules. From there, navigate to the Virtual Assistant tab. See below.

The virtual assistant is very easy to setup. First, toggle it on using the toggle next to "Automate Out of Office Messages".

Next, check any box where you are closed (e.g. Saturday and Sunday).

For the days you are not closed, do not check that box. Instead, add the hours you are in the office using the From and To. As an example, if you are open on Monday from 8 am and close at 6 pm, it would look like this.


For times when. you will be closed outside of your normal business process you may create exceptions. For example, if you are closed on Christmas or New Years you would want to create an exception. The exception will always override your normal business settings. As an example, if you create an exception that you are closed on December 25th, but, that falls on a day you would normally be open (e.g. a Monday), the software would use the exception first and understand you were closed.

Below we have created an exception showing we are closed on 12/25/2024 through 12/31/2024.

You may add as many exceptions you want by clicking the "Add additional exceptions" option. To delete an outdated exception click the red trash can.

For exceptions that may repeat (as would be the case with Christmas on December 25th), you can change the date instead of deleting the exception and recreating.

SMS Templates

To create SMS templates for your Virtual Assistant go to Settings/GrowthHub/Marketing Templates/SMS. For templates that you have created that you like, we recommend using the clone feature once you have created your first template. Once your template has been created you may select it (per above) in the Virtual Assistant settings.

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