Using Multiple Locations with ChiroSpring 360 - Two Approaches

ChiroSpring 360 is built to support providers with multiple locations. This can be accomplished with two methods.

  • One ChiroSpring 360 account (single database)
  • A separate ChiroSpring 360 account for each location (multiple databases)

Before we jump into how to best use ChiroSpring with the above methods, let's talk about the advantages/disadvantages for either approach. We do encourage you to reach out to your sales representative to help guide you through the best option. If you do not remember your sales representatives contact information, send an email to

Single Database - One ChiroSpring 360 Account


  • Save money (only paying for one ChiroSpring 360 subscription)
  • All patients are in a single database meaning if they go to location 1 or location 2 they do not need to be entered twice


  • Online scheduling can be cumbersome (patient's may not understand how to book an appointment as there are no "true locations" with online scheduling at this time
  • Reporting is not broken up by "location" (see workarounds for how to make this work below).
  • Only one ChiroSpring Pay account can be used. If you are okay with all payments depositing into a single bank account this will not be a problem. Instead, use our User Earnings report to determine how much to pay providers for their services.

Multiple Databases - Separate ChiroSpring 360 Account for Each Location


  • Reporting is PER LOCATION as all data is completely separate for each location.
  • Online scheduling makes sense for your patients as you would have a booking URL for each location.
  • You can quickly toggle back-and-forth between locations.
  • Each location would have its own ChiroSpring Pay account (deposits go to the bank that is setup with that account)


  • There is a cost per database (more expensive)
  • Toggling between locations may be cumbersome
  • Patients from location A are not automatically in location B. They need to be re-created.

Now that we have explained the differences between one or multiple databases, let's discuss how each of these methods will serve you.

How to Use - Multiple Databases - Separate ChiroSpring 360 Account for Each Location

This is our preferred recommendation if you ever plan to sell one of your locations in the future (all patients would belong to a separate database). It is also recommended if you are set up where each location is individually owned and/or has its own Tax ID.

Using this option is simple. As the account is 100% independent from each location (each location does not "talk" to the other) you would manage them as if you only had ONE ACCOUNT. The only difference is we can set up Quick Toggle Access which allows you to toggle back-and-forth without the need to log into the other location.

How to Use - Single Database - One ChiroSpring 360 Account

With this option

  • You will have one database, one SMS number, one email, one ChiroSpring Pay account and one database of patient records.
  • The system does have the ability to set up multiple default facility (most predominantly for Box 32 on HCFA 1500 form) as well as provider overrides for facility location, NPI, group NPI and tax ID.


The first thing you will do is setup your facility address(s). You can set up to three. This is done in Settings/Setup.

Of note, the Primary Service Facility allows you to not only enter address and clinic e-mail. You also enter your Federal Tax ID and Billing NPI in addition to Taxonomy code.

What's great is you can OVERRIDE this data at the USER LEVEL. Meaning, if one of your provider's wants Tax ID or Billing NPI to appear different on their claims, they would set this for their user account (see below).

To do this, go to Settings/Users & Rooms.

First setup the provider's NPI and Taxonomy Code. Then, determine which Box 32/33 information you want on the claim from the default facility dropdown (see below).

In addition, you may override the following boxes for the provider. To do so, toggle that option on, then populate that data in the expanded section.

  • 25
  • 32
  • 32a
  • 32b
  • 33
  • 33a
  • 33b

If you have providers that work in two or more locations you WILL NEED a separate user account to support each location. Please contact ChiroSpring if you need help as we can work on special pricing to support this need. We recommend creating memorable usernames such as "first_last_location A" and "first_last_location B".

Now that you have separate user accounts for each location, your claims will populate correct based on the user settings for the above CMS-1500 fields.


If your providers work in multiple locations it can be a bit tricky to get your scheduler right. As an example, if your provider works at Location A on MWF and Location B on Tu/Th we would recommend setting up your scheduler using ROOMS instead of PROVIDERS on the scheduler. Let's go through an example.

Per above, we have two locations (A and B). We would create a room with the provider's name/location to make it clear which provider/location the patient was being scheduled to. Therefore, patient's would not schedule to a provider, per say, but instead, would schedule to a room with that provider's name.

When the provider sees the patient and starts the treatment note, the software will automatically use the logged in provider's (editing that treatment note) user settings. As an example, if that provider had a Tax ID override or a Box 25 override in settings/users & rooms, those overrides would automatically appear on the claim. This makes it very easy to not only keep your scheduler clean and organized (using rooms as suggested), but ensures your claims will be correct as well.

Below is an example showing the same doctor (using Rooms) with two locations.


If you followed our guidance on creating a separate user account per location, this makes generating reports "by location" a bit more manageable. The following reports allow you to filter on provider. Therefore select all providers from location A to get the location A data, and vice-versa.

  • Activity Report
  • Practice Statistics Report
  • Aging Report
  • Appointments Report

We also recommend using our User Earnings Report to track the earnings for a given provider. Follow the steps IN THIS ARTICLE for tracking user earnings.

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