Restrict Access Outside of Your Practice with IP Restrictions - Whitelist IP
Within ChiroSpring, you have the ability to restrict software access to only allow access from the IP addresses you desire. This would mean that only someone on that IP address can log in. This Is useful, for example, if you do not want employees having access after they have left the practice. In addition, it adds an extra layer of security to your practice for would be hackers.
How to find your IPv4 Address
Before we show you how to restrict access to only the IP address(es) you want, first you need to know how to find the IP address. There are several ways to do this. Of note, when we say IP address, the technical term for this is the IPv4 address. The below methods will all show you how to find your IPv4 address.
IMPORTANT: One VERY IMPORTANT point to make is that before setting software access to any particular IP address, you MUST ensure this is a static IP address. Static IP address do not change. Contact your internet service provider (ISP) and request a static IP address before proceeding. Without a static IP address, your ISP will from time to time change your IP.
Here are the methods you may use to find your IP address.
Using a Web Browser (easiest method)
Visit a website like WhatIsMyIP that shows your public IP address.
Using Command Prompt (Windows):
Open Command Prompt by pressing Win + R, typing cmd, and hitting Enter.
Type ipconfig and press Enter.
Look for the IPv4 Address under the network adapter you're using.
Using Network Settings (Windows):
Go to Settings > Network & Internet > Status.
Click on "Change adapter options."
Right-click on your network connection and select "Status."
Click on "Details" to see your IPv4 address.
Using System Preferences (Mac):
Open System Preferences and select "Network."
Choose your active network connection (e.g., Wi-Fi or Ethernet).
Your IP address will be displayed at the top of the window.
Whitelist IP Address
Now that you have identified your IP address, it's time to add it into ChiroSpring to allow access from ONLY that IP. Of course, you can whitelist multiple IP addresses as well if desired. As an example, you may want to whitelist your practice's IP address as well as your IP (owner of practice) from home. Once the IP address(es) are whitelisted, no one can access ChiroSpring unless they are on a computer using said IP.
- Navigate to your clinic settings on the left hand menu (Settings > Clinic > Customization)
- Click into the tab "Misc. & Advanced Settings"
- Toggle ON the "IP Restriction"
- Click the "padlock" icon to unlock the edit box. Now you can add, edit or remove any IP addresses from this box. Remember, you are adding IP addresses into this box that will allow access for ChiroSpring.
- Type your desired IPv4 address(es) into the Restriction List text box. Use a comma (with no space) if you are adding multiple IP addresses.
If you are adding a single IP, it would look something like this.
If you are adding multiple IP addresses, add a comma (no space) in between them (see below example).
When you have your IP(s) entered into the box, click the padalock icon to lock and restrict access. Only admin users can unlock the padlock.
Now, only users using the IP address(es) you have added can access ChiroSpring.