Annotate X-Ray Images
We've built some basic annotation tools for your X-ray iimages. These can easily be accessed in your patient dashboard.
Upload X-ray Image
First, you will need to upload your patient's x-ray images by clicking on their name, then selecting "Documents".
Next, upload your images under the X-ray section.
Treatment Dashboard
To view your images, go to your patient's Treatment Dashboard.
Annotate Images
To annotate your image, select it to expand it revealing a panel of tools at the top. Tools include draw, line, text as well as rotate, zoom, pan, L stamp, R stamp and X stamp.
When your image drawings are complete, select 'Save as new X-Ray'. This will preserve the original image and save the new one with the drawings.
Note: Drawings cannot be edited after saving.
Prior to saving, if you make a mistake use the pan tool (see below). When you click on the annotation a box will appear allowing you to resize, move or delete (red X).