Set Your Favorite Procedures (Charges) - Procedures Facorite List

When on your Fee Slip you may have noticed a section under Procedures called "Favorites". Here you will find all of the CPT codes you use in your practice, broken up into categories such as Chiropractic Manipulative Treatment, Therapeutic, etc.

Adding codes to this list is done by adding the codes to your Fee Schedules page. We have a full article on creating and using Fee Schedules. Below we are showing only how to add a procedure code to your fee schedule. The simple act of doing so will automatically make it a favorite on your Fee Slip.

Creating Fee Schedules (Adds to Procedures Favorite List)

To create fee schedules go to Billing - Settings - Fee Schedules from the left side menu.

Click the "+" at the top, next to "Service" to import service codes and pricing.

Here, we are importing a service code that we created.

All imported Service Codes will automatically become your Fee Schedules "Favorites" under the Procedures Tab.

For more details on using Fee Schedules view this article.

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