Referral Tracking & Broadcast Messenger

There may be times when you want to track patient referrals. ChiroSpring has a great solution for this.

First it is important that you track the referral source. This can be done under the patient's Billing Dashboard.

In Billing Dashboard Click "Edit" for Demographic Information. Here you will see a box for "Patient Referral Source".

This dropdown contains a non-editable list of options to track where the referral came from. If an item is not on the list, choose "Other" and type in the "Referral Notes" box below. In the example above I have typed "Massage".

Listing Report

Now that you have added your referral source you can track your referrals by running the Listing Report.

Using the Active Columns option you may hide/show any data in this report. In addition, you could even save the report as a template (e.g. Referral Tracking Report).

Saving Report

Click the green "Save Filters" button to save your report filters.

Provide a filter name (e.g. Referral Report). Then indicate if you want to save as a new filter and even provide it as the default option (by clicking the checkboxes).

To view your filter list in the future, click this icon.

Then select one of the action buttons (see below).

Broadcast Messenger (GrowthHub)

If you are using GrowthHub, you have probably seen our Broadcast Messenger feature.

Similar to the Patient Listing report, you can also customize your filters and save them as. As an example, you might create filters and name them "Referral List".

Once you have filtered your list you can send your broadcast message to that patient base.

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