Treatment Plans - Creating & Managing

Using our Advanced Treatment Plans will be a game changer for your practice. Create templates for your most often used Treatment Plans. Generate printable estimates with or without discounts for patient signature. Tracking is now easier than ever inside the Fee Slip.

Often is the case where a provider wants to bundle multiple products or services into a single package of care. We call these Treatment Plans in ChiroSpring. With our Treatment Plans you can easily create pre-built packages, provide discounts, receive agreement and track.

We've created a full video walkthrough on how our Treatment Plans work. Watching this video is the best way for you to learn how to use our Treatment Plans.


Below are written steps for using our Treatment Plans

Step 1 - Create Fee Schedules

If you plan on providing discounts using your Treatment Plans you have two different options:

Setup Fee Schedules.

As an example, if you want to have options of 10%, 20% or 30% discounts we recommend creating fee schedules with those names. Then do the math for each product or service to reflect that discount. See the example below for our 98941.

Use your General Default Fees & Use Discount Options below.

Step 2 - Create Templates

Templates may be created in Settings/Billing/Membership & Plans.

Our recommendation is to create a template for your standard pricing. This is because the actual discount will come in Step 5. I've named mine "Adjustment & Therapy - Standard Price" for clarity. You may name your treatment plan anything you want.

Step 3 - Create Treatment Plan for Patient

Now that you have created your template you can use it when creating your treatment plan for a given patient. Of note, treatment plans can also be created without templates (however will take more time).

To create a treatment plan for your patient, hover over their name (top right of ChiroSpring). Then click on Treatment Plan (as shown below).

Now that you are at the Treatment Plan screen for your patient you can determine if insurance will be used (or not). In the example below, the patient does not have any insurance setup. You can click the + icon to setup their insurance plan. If you already setup insurance for your patient you will see it here. When you add the actual products/services for the treatment plan, you then indicate if these are "Cash" or "Insurance & Cash".

If you are choosing "Insurance & Cash" the software will use the copay, coinsurance, deductible and visits remaining (for chiro or therapy) to provide an accurate estimate on what the patient will owe.

To create your treatment plan, click the green + toward the right of the screen.

Next choose your template, or add your products or services manually.

In the below example I selected my "Adjustment & Therapy - Standard Price" template. This populated the "Label" field as well. The Label name is what you will see on the Fee Slip making it easy to identify which treatment plan this is.

To edit your products or services, click the arrow icon to expand this column.

Now you may click the pencil icon for any product or service to edit details.

From here you can choose the following

  • Type of Service - This is for display purposes ONLY on the printed treatment plan. As an example, your patient may not know a 98941 is an adjustment. Here you can define what type of service this is.
  • Plan Type - Determine if this product or service will be "Cash" or "Insurance & Cash".
    • If you choose "Insurance & Cash" you will see if the charge is covered or not covered. Not covered indicates the insurance will not pay for this service. You can indicate if a charge is covered by going into that Third Party Payer's Procedure Allowances section.
  • Number of Services
    • Acute - These are services that can be covered by insurance. If you enter a number into acute, AND you have selected "Insurance & Cash" you can then enter the number of acute services that are covered.
    • Corrective - This is the number of corrective services. These are not covered by insurance.
    • Wellness - This is the number of wellness services. These are not covered by insurance.

Step 4 - Create Treatment Plan (SAVE)

Next click the action button to "Create Treatment Plan".

Step 5 - Calculator & Payment

We have built a handy calculator you can use that will provide the discount on your printed agreement. Please note the discount you enter on the calculator is FOR THE PRINTED AGREEMENT ONLY and to ESTIMATE PAYMENT. See Step 7 for ensuring this discount gets added when the Treatment Plan products are services are added at Fee Slip.

The calculator will let you generate an estimate discount by an amount or percent. We recommend entering a percent (as it is easier) if you setup your fee schedule to reflect that same percent. As an example, I have created a fee schedule already with 20% discounts for my 98941 and 97140 codes. Using the calculator, I clicked the "percentage" check box and entered 20.

With this you can see a discount of $250 with a total left to pay amount of $1,000.

Now that you have used the calculator to get your discount it's time to take your payment. Use the options below to determine if it will be a one-time payment, scheduled payment or only a down payment. You can also indicate if there will be a down payment as well as the number of scheduled payments you prefer. See some examples below.

Here is an example with a $200 down payment with 7 monthly payments of $114.29. Note, to use Scheduled Payments you must use our ChiroSpring Pay payments integration.

Step 6 - Print Estimate

Use the action button to print the estimate for your patient. The estimate will reflect the discount and payments.

Of note, you can customize your template here.

Step 7 - Set Fee Schedule for Patient

On the Treatment Dashboard set the fee schedule you used in your treatment plan.

Step 6 - Track at Fee Slip or Treatment Dashboard

You can see below our Fee Schedule (20% Off) is showing on the treatment plan services added. This is because we added this fee schedule to our patient as their default fee schedule (Step 5 Above).

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