How to Resubmit a Claim

Claims can easily be resubmitted in ChiroSpring. It is important, first, to determine if the claim is a simple edit and resubmit (rejected claims) or, if the claim was fully adjudicated and denied which would then require populating Box 22 for an actual corrected claim. We have a FULL ARTICLE on submitting corrected/replacement claims.

Below are the steps on resubmitting a claim that was rejected.

From the Rejected Folder - How to Resubmit

Rejected claims will automatically appear under the "Rejected" folder under Billing/Claim Folder/Rejected.

If you need to make edits, click the pencil icon. Next check the box next to any claims you want to resubmit. Then use the options from the action button.

  • Return to Clinic's Pending Claims Folder

  • Submit to ChiroSpring (this will send the claim to ChiroSpring if you are using our Clearinghouse)

From Claim History - How to Resubmit

If the claim you want to resubmit is in Claim History follow these steps.

Navigate to Claim History.

Next select the claim(s) you want to resubmit. You can either resubmit right away, or move the claim back into Pending Claims (to submit later).

Make sure to choose the correct insurance under "Select Insurance" from the dropdown before resubmitting the claim.   

Then choose either of these options from the service center

  • Return claim to pending folder (this will move the claim back into Pending Claims so you can submit at a later time)
  • Resubmission (this will actively resubmit the claim)

Edit Claim

If your claim needs editing follow these steps. The claim can be edited in Claim History, Pending Claims or the Rejected folder. To edit the claim start by clicking the Pencil Icon.

Click the pencil icon (edit) associated with the claim that needs correction.

  • Choose "Save Claim" from the options displayed (bottom right action button). This action reopens the claim, enabling you to make necessary changes.

Now you can make edits to your claim. When complete click "Save Claim" again to save those changes.

Of note, after you edit a claim you can also use the action button to submit the claim here as well.

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