Using the Patient Kiosk

Patient Check-In - Self Check-In URL and/or Patient App (available with ChiroSpring Pro and Pro+)

Your patients can check in for their visit, provide their chief complaint(s), make a payment, and complete clinic forms both through the patient app and at your front desk. At your front desk, you can use any smart device or computer for the patients to interact with. 


Preferably the device has a touch screen and is mobile so that patients can have a seat while completing forms. An iPad is an ideal device. For busier practices, multiple iPads are advisable. Here are some general recommendations for settings of these devices:

  • Make sure that there is no Protected Health Information (PHI) accessible on the device or any other apps you wish to keep private.
  • Keep your device from going to sleep. To keep your iPad from going to sleep, update the Auto-lock setting. To do this, go to your iPad Settings > Display & Brightness > Auto-Lock. Set Auto-Lock to "Never".
  • Equip your device with a cover that acts as a stand, so that patients can see the device screen as they walk up to the front desk.


Each day, to activate the check-in system, log in to your clinic's Patient Kiosk by going to

SETTINGS - COMMUNICATION DATA is where you can find all related URLs anytime

Enter the same username and password you use for accessing the general ChiroSpring platform.


After your login, you will see the following:

Click Start and you will see the following:

Your clinic is responsible for entering accurate information for your patients. The more complete and accurate individual patient information is, the fewer errors will occur and the faster your patients will check-in. Sometimes your patients are going to find one of the 4 check in methods preferable for a data point that has not been entered by the clinic for that patient. You could quickly enter that data point for the patient, direct them to a different check-in methodology or manually check them in.


1- The patient selects the method to check-in.


2- The patient enters the required data.

3- Patient selects Identify:  

4- The system either properly identifies the patient or asks for additional information to identify the correct patient and proceeds to check the patient in.

5- If the patient is not already on the scheduler, they are prompted to select the provider they wish to see and click save, the self-check-in will accept walk-ins! 

6- Next. the patient will see be checked in and prompted to complete the level of pain and the Pain description and location. 

Touch a number and then touch an icon and touch where on the body to place the icon. Can place more than one icon. 

7- The patient can choose to not complete this section and select Skip. They will still be checked in.

8-Patient can utilize the "pay" icon to the right to make a payment. Payments made here will reflect on the patient account as Unapplied money.

9- If the patient completes the level of pain and/or the Pain description and location, that information will be saved to the Treatment Dashboard for that patient, today only. With a single click, the provider can insert that information into every treatment template created today: 

10- The patient can be prompted to complete clinic forms by going to the patient's Communicator > Patient Forms > Select an available form (+). The form selected will move to Current Form Request (2) until completed by the patient. After being completed by the patient, the form will appear in Completed Forms and also be saved to that Patient's > Treatment Notes and Treatment Records at top of the Communicator Dashboard.

Forms can be completed when checking in and through the patient app (anytime or when checking in with the patient app). 

11- You may also Assign Forms to Appointment Categories such that they are automatically assigned to the patient for completion when the appointment is booked.

PRO TIP: *You could "serve up" patient form(s), and then text or email the patient from the top of this Communicator Dashboard screen to check their app for forms to complete. 

Patients that complete forms through the Patient App or Self Check In are "identified" and their form in completion will be in Treatment Note History. The Contact Information form you have with your system will pull the contact fields entered into their demographics. Completed Demographics are found on the Billing Dashboard of the patient's file when complete. 

The Low Back Disability and Neck Disability are the only current Outcome Assessment that come with your system and auto score. 

To create any additional forms to use, go to SETTINGS - CUSTOM TEMPLATES - BUILD TEMPLATE

What the request forms look like to the patient on the self-check-in. 

The patient's blue dot will turn a burnt orange on your Schedule and Scheduler Widget (click the refresh icon anytime needed) and the patient will move from Scheduled to Checked-In on the Front Desk. 

You can navigate to the Patient's File - Communicator Dashboard to quickly access any completed forms. Those can be selected with any documents and emailed in the screen shown. 

In the patient's file drop-down menu shown, the bottom Treatment Notes will also have all Completed Patient Forms and Treatment Notes by DOS. 


If the system identifies a patient who has more than one file in the system, it will check the patient in and associate that check-in with patient file most recently associated to the last appointment for that patient. If that file association is incorrect it should be manually fixed by the front desk. The front desk can always delete the appointment and manually enter the appointment associated to the correct patient file.

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