Upload EOB Remittance into ChiroSpring

Upload EOB(Remittance) into ChiroSpring

ChiroSpring will automatically import ERAs for you, IF YOU ARE USING OUR Clearinghouse.  We recommend this as it is very cost effective.  Saving time is saving money. ;)

Now, if you are using an outside clearinghouse (e.g. Office Ally, Waystar, etc.) then you will need to manually post your insurance payments (EOBs/Remittances).  To do this, follow the steps below:  

This can be done under Billing/Quick Post.

>For additional info on using QuickPost/Posting Paper EOBs click here: https://chirospring.helpscoutdocs.com/article/508-how-to-use-quick-post-for-posting-payments-and-denials

For practices that still do not want to manually post an EOB we will do it for you.  This would either be covered at no cost (if you are using our billing services) or would be a charge.  

To send us an EOB for posting follow the steps below:

  1. Go to left menu & click on "Service Center"

  1. Click on "New Request"

  1. Click "Upload EOB to ChiroSpring"

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